GCP Cloud Training by Amrin

(*) - Sign-in required
Session - 01 Cloud Fundamentals (no access required)

Session - 02 Compute Engine (*)

Session - 03 - Instance Group (*)

Session - 04 App Engine (*)

Session - 05 Cloud Function and Kubernetes (*)

Session -06 Cloud Run and Kubernetes Part 2 (*)

Session - 07 IAM and Billing (*)

Session - 08 Cloud Operations (*)

Session - 09 GCP Storage Part 1 (*)

Session - 10 Storage Part 2 (*)

Session - 11 Cloud SQL and Cloud Spanner (*)

Session - 12 Memstore and Datastore (*)

Session - 13 Big Table (*)

Session - 14 Big Query (*)

Session - 15 Cloud Pub/Sub and Dataflow (*)

Session - 16 Networking Part 1(*)

Session - 16 Networking Part 2 (*)

Session - 16 Azure Integration Services (*)